
Everyone grows about half an inch of hair every month. While genetics contributes to individual differences, it's not as important as we might think. Hair is the fastest growing tissue in the human body with an average growth rate of 0.5 to 1.7 centimeters per month, or about 2 to 8 inches per year. The growth feels minimal—especially when you're waiting for it to happen. Anyone who looks like their hair is growing faster is simply because their hair texture is thicker and denser. When your hair grows thicker, it also looks longer.


hair growth


Here is a list of 7 ways to treat your hair right and get healthy hair growth.

1. If you want really long, healthy hair, you need regular trims. "While haircuts won't make your hair grow any faster, they will remove split ends, and eliminating breakage will make your hair appear to grow faster. When you have split ends, they tangle with each other and eventually die . Cutting a small portion of your hair can lead to healthier hair in the long run.

2.Protein is the basic building block of hair. Getting enough protein is important to maintain a high hair replacement rate. Otherwise, you'll start losing hair faster than you can replace it, making it more noticeable. To promote hair growth, you need to 'feed' your hair from within, those protein-rich, hair building blocks, including meat and other sources. Try increasing your protein intake through foods like fish, beans, nuts, and whole grains, and even if you're not a meat eater, you should still aim to maintain a high-protein diet to promote hair growth.

3. Add hair-good vitamins to your daily diet, those important vitamins like biotin and C and B, can support hair health, vitamin C helps keep your hair moisturized and prevents it from breaking, tomatoes, cauliflower, Bell peppers, dark leafy vegetables, bitter gourd, citrus, grapefruit, apples, grapes, kiwi fruit, fresh dates, etc. are rich in vitamin C. The well-known soybeans, peanuts, shiitake mushrooms, and eggs are rich in vitamin B. These vitamins and minerals Substances that contribute to healthier hair.

4. Wash your hair less and moisturize more. How often you wash your hair can affect the health of your hair. Washing your hair two to three times a week allows the natural oils to penetrate the hair, allowing it to hydrate and repair itself, and regularly coating your strands with a smoothing deep conditioner or hair mask or hair detangler can also help prevent breakouts Damaged strands leave hair instantly stronger and longer.

5. Brush your hair regularly It might seem tempting to go to bed without a comb when you're tired, but a few quick brushes can do a lot for the overall health of your hair and scalp. It also helps improve blood circulation for a healthier scalp.

6. Keep the shower cool and take care of your scalp, a hot shower will dehydrate your skin and also make your hair rough. "Turn down the water temperature when cleansing and give your scalp a little extra love. Massage with your fingers while shampooing to deeply remove gunk and help improve blood circulation. Staying hydrated is important for healthy hair. Severe dehydration can stop hair growth and dry out hair breaks more easily

7. Protect hair from physical damage. Hair is especially prone to breakage when wet, so it's best to detangle your hair before shampooing. Exposure of hair to water swells and stretches the hair shaft, causing the outer layer of the band to lift, increasing stress in this state, which causes the hair shaft to break. If you must brush your hair when it's wet, do it the right way: apply a top-quality leave-in conditioner from roots to ends and use a gentler wide-tooth comb or detangling comb to reduce friction, starting at the ends Comb finely to prevent tearing hair.

Effortless Styling: The Professional One-Step Hot Air Brush


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